Before you become a Driber

Who can become a Driber?

You can become a :Driber if you:

  • Are at least 21 years old. In some cases, your choice of Ride may require you to be at least 26 years old.

  • Have a Danish address.

  • Have 3 years of documented accident-free driving. :Dribe may ask for documentation.

  • Can be credit approved. :Dribe may ask for documentation.

  • Have a valid Danish B driver's license – and an A driver's license if you want to drive a motorcycle. (If you have an older fold-out driver's license, you cannot sign up in the app yourself, but you can contact Customer Care by phone, and they will assist you.)

  • Have MitID (a Danish digital identification system).

  • Have a Danish credit card (MasterCard or Visa) for setting up the payment method.

If you meet all these requirements, well, you're good to go! Just download the app – it only takes a few minutes, and you're ready to start.