Can I get my Ride delivered?
How it works:
When you have booked a pickup in either Søborg or Risskov via the :Dribe app, you are ready to order delivery to a self-selected address.
You can schedule it for delivery on weekdays between 9 and 15 with one-hour intervals, for example, 9-10. Remember, if you are unable to be at home to receive your new car, you can simply have it delivered to your workplace, provided it is in Zealand or Aarhus municipality.
You can schedule delivery for the same day or the day after you have booked your car.
Please remember to be present during the delivery. You will receive an SMS or a call when the driver is there with your car.
The cost for delivery is 499 DKK in Greater Copenhagen (up to postal code 3520) and Aarhus.
The cost for delivery to the remaining postal codes in Zealand is 899 DKK.
How to order a delivery
All you need to do is send an email to with the following information:
Name* Address* Postal code* Email* Phone number* What you desire: (delivery/delivery+pickup) in Aarhus or Zealand* Date for delivery* Time for delivery* (hour interval)
NOTE! Remember that you can only order delivery if you have selected Pick-up in Søborg or Risskov. Do you already have a :Dribe car? See below.
Download the :Dribe app here and book today!
Already have a :Dribe car?
Here's what you need to do if you already have a :Dribe car and want to pick up your current car and have your new car delivered.
If you have a car but are ordering or have ordered a new one for the month of April, you will receive a 50% discount on picking up your current car, which normally costs 899 DKK outside Greater Copenhagen and 499 DKK in Copenhagen and Aarhus. This means that if you live within postal code 3520, a delivery + pickup will cost 748.5 DKK.
If you live between postal code 3520 and 4700 or in Aarhus municipality, a delivery + pickup will cost 1348.5 DKK.
Please note that delivery and pickup must occur in the same transaction to receive the 50% discount on the pickup.
How to order a delivery when you have a :Dribe car
All you need to do is send an email to with the following information:
Name* Address* Postal code* Email* Phone number* What you desire: (delivery/delivery+pickup) in Aarhus or Zealand* That you wish to have your current :Dribe car picked up in the same process* Date for delivery* Time for delivery* (hour interval)