General Rental Terms and Conditions
1. Ownership Rights
The lessee has only a right to use the Vehicle under the conditions specified in the Rental Agreement and these Rental Terms.
The lessor may require the Vehicle to be equipped with signs and labels.
Type designations, serial numbers, and other identifiers used to identify the Vehicle must not be removed.
The lessee must not sell, pledge, use as collateral, or otherwise dispose of the Vehicle legally.
The lessee must not modify or alter the Vehicle, nor is the lessee entitled to replace any parts of the Vehicle.
The lessee must not install OBD devices in the Vehicle.
The lessor has the right to inspect the Vehicle at any time at an address specified by the lessor, with a minimum of 7 days' notice.
2. Usage and Application
2.1 The Vehicle must not be subleased, loaned, or entrusted to a third party. If the use of the Vehicle is entrusted to someone other than the Lessee, that Driver must be expressly stated in the Lease Agreement.
2.2 The Vehicle may only be used for driving within the continental Europe, with the exception of several countries. The Vehicle must not be used for driving in: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus (Belarus), Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, or Hungary.
2.3 Smoking in the Vehicle is not allowed. In case of violation, the Lessee will be charged a cleaning fee, as specified in the Lessor's Price List ("Price List"). The Price List is attached to this Rental Agreement and is also available on the Lessor's mobile application and website.
2.4 Pets are not allowed in the Vehicle. In case of violation, the Lessee will be charged a cleaning fee, as specified in the Lessor's Price List.
2.4 The Vehicle must not be used for rental, track driving, or any other form of commercial passenger or goods transport, as well as other driving requiring special permission.
2.5 If the Vehicle is used in violation of this Rental Agreement, the general Rental Terms, or applicable legislation, the Lessor is entitled to repossess the Vehicle without notice. Any associated costs will be borne by the Lessee, who is also obliged to pay the agreed-upon rent for the Vehicle for the remaining part of the Rental Period.
2.6 The Lessee acknowledges that the Vehicle is equipped with satellite tracking.
3. Rental payment
3.1 Lejeren skal betale den lejeydelse, der fremgår af Lejeaftalen.
3.2 Det fremgår af selve Lejeaftalen, hvornår lejeydelsen/de løbende lejeydelser forfalder til betaling.
3.3 Ved forsinket betaling af Lejeydelsen eller andre skyldige ydelser i henhold til Lejeaftalen betales morarente samt påkravsgebyr i overensstemmelse med rentelovens bestemmelser.
3.4 Der kan alene anvendes danske Visa/Dankort, Visa eller Mastercard kreditkort som betalingsmiddel. Lejer er forpligtet til at sikre sig, at der er dækning for skyldige beløb, og at kreditkortet er aktivt. Lejer er indforstået med, at Udlejer automatisk trækker betalingen på Visa delen, hvis lejeren har et kombineret Visa/Dankort. Ved udskiftning af kort skal Lejer uopfordret underrette Lejer ved at opdatere kortoplysningerne på Udlejers applikation.
3.5 Ved automatisk kortbetaling gælder i tillæg til de generelle lejebetingelser også ‘Vilkår for automatisk kortbetaling’ (udleveret sammen med de generelle lejebetingelser). Disse kan til enhver tid findes i Dribe Applikationen eller på Dribe hjemmesiden:
3.6 Den lejeydelse, der fremgår af Lejeaftalen, er fast i hele Lejeperioden og omfatter leje af Køretøjet, grøn ejerafgift, ansvars- og kaskoforsikring (med selvrisiko på 5.000 kr. pr. skade), service, reparation og dæk.
3.7 Bortkomst eller totalbeskadigelse af Køretøjet ved en begivenhed, der ikke beror på Udlejers forhold, fritager ikke Lejer fra at betale lejeydelsen
3.1 The lessee shall pay the rental fee as stated in the Rental Agreement.
3.2 The due dates for the rental fee or recurring rental payments are specified in the Rental Agreement.
3.3 In case of delayed payment of the rental fee or other due payments under the Rental Agreement, the Renter shall pay default interest and reminder fees in accordance with the provisions of the Interest Act.
3.4 Only Danish Visa/Dankort, Visa, or Mastercard credit cards may be used as payment methods. The Renter is obliged to ensure sufficient funds are available and that the credit card is active. The Renter acknowledges that the Lessor automatically charges the Visa portion for payment if the Renter holds a combined Visa/Dankort. In case of card replacement, the Renter must inform the Lessor promptly by updating the card details on the Lessor's application.
3.5 For automatic card payments, in addition to the General Rental conditions, the "Terms for Automatic Card Payment" (provided together with the general rental conditions) shall apply. These terms can be found at any time on the Dribe Application or Dribe website: [INSERT WEBSITE]
3.6 The rental fee stated in the Rental Agreement remains fixed throughout the Rental Period and includes the rental of the Vehicle, green owner tax, liability and comprehensive insurance (with a deductible of [INSERT AMOUNT] per claim), servicing, repairs, and tires.
3.7 Loss or total destruction of the Vehicle due to an event not attributable to the Lessor does not exempt the lessee from paying the rental fee.
4. Pick-up/Drop-off
4.1 The pick-up location and pick-up time are specified in the Rental Agreement and on the Dribe application. The lessee is responsible for payment of the rental fee from the agreed pick-up time, regardless of whether the Renter chooses to pick up the Vehicle at a later time.
4.2 Upon pick-up, the lessee must immediately inspect the Vehicle. By commencing the use of the Vehicle, the Renter confirms that the Vehicle has been received in good and legal condition, including an examination of brakes, steering, signaling devices, and lights before starting the journey. If the lessee discovers any defects or shortcomings in the Vehicle during the inspection, this must be immediately reported to the Lessor before using the Vehicle.
4.3 From the time of Vehicle pick-up until its return to the Lessor, the lessee/Driver undertakes not to leave the keys to the Vehicle inside it when not in use. It is a condition for insurance coverage that the keys to the Vehicle are not left inside it, as stated in point 10.3.
5. Lessor's Liability
5.1 The Lessor disclaims any responsibility for any loss or other consequential damages that may arise from delays or defects in the Vehicle experienced by the lessee.
5.2 In the event of defects in the Vehicle, the lessee is obligated to accept remedial action. If remedial action is not possible, the Lessor may choose to replace the Vehicle or terminate the Rental Agreement in accordance with clause 9.4.
5.3 The Lessor is not responsible for private items that are damaged, lost, or forgotten during or after the rental period.
5.4 The Lessor is not liable for force majeure, including but not limited to breakdowns or lack of access to IT systems, pandemics, vandalism, theft, and other events beyond the Lessor's control, whether affecting the Lessor or a subcontractor.
5.5 The Lessor cannot be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the lessee's use of the Vehicle, including damage to third-party property, unless the Lessor has acted with particular negligence.
6. Lessee's Liability
6.1 Konstaterer Lejer i løbet af Lejeperioden, at Køretøjet ikke er i overensstemmelse med det aftalte, skal Lejeren reklamere over for Udlejer, straks efter fejlen/manglen bliver opdaget.
6.2 Lejer er ansvarlig for, at såvel private som offentlige forskrifter, der gælder for benyttelse af Køretøjet, overholdes, og at fornødne tilladelser indhentes. Lejer bærer risikoen for, at de fornødne tilladelser kan opnås og ikke tilbagekaldes.
6.3 Lejer friholder Udlejer for ethvert ansvar, som Udlejer måtte ifalde over for det offentlige eller over for private på grund af den brug, Lejer gør af Køretøjet, herunder at forskrifter ikke er iagttaget, eller tilladelse ikke er indhentet.
6.4 Lejer må kun påfylde den korrekte brændstoftype på Køretøjet. Lejer skal holde Udlejer skadesløs for ethvert tab forbundet med påfyldning af forkert brændstoftype.
6.5 Lejer må ikke benytte Køretøjet til kørsel under påvirkning af alkohol, narkotiske stoffer eller andre former for sløvende midler.
6.6 På samme måde som hvis Lejer havde været Køretøjets ejer, er Lejer ansvarlig for eventuelle lovbrud, der finder sted i Lejeperioden og sker i forbindelse med Lejers/Førers brug af Køretøjet. Lejer hæfter for alle gebyrer, bøder og afgifter, herunder vejafgifter, som måtte opstå i forbindelse med brugen af Køretøjet under Lejeperioden og frem til det tidspunkt, hvor Køretøjet er afleveret til Udlejer. Lejer accepterer, at Udlejer er berettiget til at trække disse omkostninger på Lejers kreditkort med tillæg af det administrationsgebyr, der fremgår af Udlejers Prisliste.
Renter's Liability
6.1 If the Lessee discovers during the Rental Period that the Vehicle does not comply with the agreed terms, the Lessee must notify the Lessor immediately after discovering the defect or deficiency.
6.2 The Lessee is responsible for ensuring compliance with both private and public regulations governing the use of the Vehicle and obtaining necessary permits. The Lessee assumes the risk that the required permits can be obtained and are not revoked.
6.3 The Lessee indemnifies the Lessor against any liability the Lessor may incur towards public authorities or private parties due to the Lessee's use of the Vehicle, including non-compliance with regulations or failure to obtain permits.
6.4 The Lessee must only refuel the Vehicle with the correct type of fuel. The Lessee shall hold the Lessor harmless for any loss associated with refueling the wrong type of fuel.
6.5 The Lessee must not use the Vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or other forms of intoxicating substances.
6.6 Similar to if the Lessee were the owner of the Vehicle, the Lessee is liable for any legal violations that occur during the Rental Period and are related to the Lessee/Driver's use of the Vehicle. The Lessee is responsible for all fees, fines, and charges, including road tolls, arising from the use of the Vehicle during the Rental Period until the Vehicle is returned to the Lessor. The Lessee agrees that the Lessor is entitled to charge these costs to the Renter's credit card, along with the administrative fee specified in the Lessor's Price List.
7. Maintenance
7.1 The Rental Agreement includes free service and mechanical maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's current regulations, including labor costs, spare parts, inspections, and oil changes.
7.2 However, the Lessee is obligated to maintain the Vehicle in a condition that matches the state it was in at the time of delivery, without exhibiting any other deterioration beyond normal wear and tear. The Lessee must meticulously adhere to the maintenance guidelines provided in the manufacturer's instruction manuals and similar materials.
7.3 If the Vehicle requires service, repairs, or work based on a factory recall during the Rental Period, the Lessee must submit the Vehicle to a location designated by the Lessor. If a service lamp starts to illuminate in the Vehicle during the Rental Period, the Lessee must immediately inform the Lessor. In such a case, the Lessee is also obligated to submit the Vehicle if the Lessor deems it necessary.
7.4 The Lessee will be held liable for any consequential damages that may arise due to non-compliance with clauses 7.2 and 7.3, including the voiding of any warranty.
7.5 The Lessee must not attempt to repair or service the Vehicle themselves but must instead immediately contact the Lessor for guidance to one of the Lessor's designated service partners. The availability of a loan car depends on the individual service partner, and the Lessor does not provide a loan car for the user.
7.6 If the Lessee 's Vehicle is towed to a service partner/workshop through the relevant car brand's Roadside Assistance, and it takes more than 24 hours from the Lessee 's initial contact with Roadside Assistance for the car to become roadworthy again, the Lessee can request a free loan car from the respective workshop. The loan car will be provided on the first working day if the Lessee's car goes to the workshop during the weekend or public holidays. The Lessor does not provide a loan car.
7.7 If the Lessee fails to return the Vehicle to the Lessor at "lease-end" after prior request from the Lessor, it will be considered a material breach of the Rental Agreement, and the Lessor is entitled to charge a fee according to Dribe's current Price List.
8. Risk
8.1 The Lessee bears the risk of the Vehicle's destruction, deterioration, damage, or loss, including theft, from the moment the Vehicle is collected and comes into the possession of the Lessee or Driver until the moment the Vehicle is returned to the Lessor at the designated Return Time and Return Location.
8.2 If the Lessee chooses to return the vehicle without an assisted inspection, they simultaneously accept liability for damages discovered during an unaccompanied inspection. The unaccompanied inspection is carried out within 2 working days after the return of the Vehicle, which timeframe may be extended in connection with weekends and public holidays. Thus, the Lessor cannot be held responsible for damages not documented during an assisted inspection.
8.3 The Lessee is liable for expenses resulting from damages, accidents, theft, etc., to the extent that such damage is not covered by the insurance mentioned in clause 10.
8.4 If the Vehicle is destroyed or damaged - regardless of the cause - the Lessee must immediately inform the Lessor thereof.
8.5 By accepting the Rental Agreement and these Rental Conditions, the Lessee releases the Lessor from any liability for the loss of or damage to any items that the Lessee or any other person may have left, stored, or transported in the vehicle before or during the Rental Period. The Lessee also agrees to indemnify the Lessor against any claims for damages or expenses arising from such loss or damage, and the Lessee shall defend the Lessor's interests and reimburse any costs incurred in this regard.
9. Termination of the Rental Agreement
9.1 The Lessee is aware that there is no right of withdrawal for the rental of the Vehicle.
9.2 The Lessee can only terminate the Rental Agreement after the expiration of the binding period stated in the Rental Agreement. However, the Lessee remains liable for payment of the rental fees until the time when the Vehicle is returned to the Lessor.
9.3 The Lessee can terminate the Rental Agreement by returning the Vehicle and following the return process in the Lessor's mobile application.
9.4 If the Vehicle is returned before the expiration of the binding period, the Lessee will not be entitled to a refund for unused rental days. If the Rental Agreement is terminated after the binding period regarding the Everyday Ride Rental Agreement, the Lessee will be entitled to a proportional refund for the number of unused rental days for which the Lessee has made payment.
10. Insurance
10.1 Kasko- og ansvarsforsikring er inkluderet i Lejeydelsen, dog hæfter Lejer for skader op til selvrisikobeløbet. Selvrisikoen for Lejer begrænses til maksimalt 5.000 kr. pr. skade.
10.2 Det er en forudsætning for forsikringsdækning, at Lejer eller Fører af Køretøjet alene er de personer, der fremgår af Lejeaftalen, og at disse er minimum 26 år (medmindre Lejer eller fører er Young Driber og dermed har tilkøbt Young Driber forsikring), har et gyldigt dansk kørekort og et dansk CPR-nummer. Derudover er det en betingelse, at en eventuel Fører af Køretøjet har haft minimum tre års skadefri kørsel forstået som anmeldte forsikringsskader, hvor Føreren er blevet tilkendt det fulde eller delvise ansvar, i perioden op til Lejeperioden.
10.3 Ægtefælle/samlever samt hjemmeboende børn under 26 år indgår i Lejers sikrede kreds, såfremt de er anført på lejekontrakten med de korrekte oplysninger og har samme folkeregisteradresse. Det er en forudsætning, at de medsikrede har et gyldigt dansk kørekort, midlertidige kørekort accepteres ikke.
10.4 Lejers børn, der ikke er fyldt 26 år, kan forsikres mod en merbetaling på 200 kr./mdr. Det er en forudsætning for dækningen, at medforsikrede er fyldt 21 år, er anført på lejekontrakten med de korrekte oplysninger, kan dokumentere 3 års skadefri og har gyldigt dansk kørekort (midlertidige kørekort accepteres ikke). Der er således ikke forsikringsdækning på Lejers børn, der ikke er fyldt 21 år og ikke er bosat på Lejers adresse.
10.5 Det er en forudsætning for forsikringsdækning, at nøglerne til Køretøjet ikke efterlades i Køretøjet, når det ikke er i brug.
10.6 Det er en forudsætning for forsikringsdækning, at ejendele ikke efterlades synligt i bilen, herunder også ikke-fastmonteret elektronisk udstyr.
10.7 Forsikringsselskabet kan gøre regres gældende over for Lejer eller Fører af Køretøjet for den fulde skadesudgift, hvis Køretøjet er ført af en person uden gyldigt kørekort, hvis Køretøjet er ført af en person, der ikke er påført som Lejer eller Fører i Lejeaftalen, eller hvis skaden er fremkaldt ved en uagtsomhed, der kan betegnes som grov hensynsløshed, jf. færdselslovens § 108, stk. 2.
10.8 Lejer accepterer sin forpligtelse til at beskytte Udlejers interesser i tilfælde af skade eller anden forsikringsbegivenhed ved:
10.8.1 straks at anmelde enhver skade der opstår i Lejeperioden til Udlejers forsikringsselskab10.8.2 at skaffe navne og adresser og forsikringsoplysninger på alle implicerede parter og eventuelle vidner samt registreringsnumre på alle implicerede biler,
10.8.3 undlade at anerkende ansvar eller skyld,
10.8.4 undlade at forlade køretøjet, uden at der er truffet tilstrækkelige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger,
10.8.5 underrette politiet omgående, såfremt en anden parts skyld skal fastslås, eller hvis der er tale om personskade,
10.8.6 udfylde og aflevere en skadesanmeldelse på Udlejers eller Udlejers forsikringsselskabs forespørgsel.
10.9 Hvis Lejer undlader at iagttage ovenstående, medfører det bortfald af forsikringsdækningen.
10.10 Lejer er forpligtet til straks at udbedre enhver skade der opstår i Lejeperioden forud for aflevering af Køretøjet.
10.1 Comprehensive and liability insurance are included in the Rental Fee, but the Lessee is responsible for damages up to the deductible amount. The deductible for the Lessee is limited to a maximum of [INSERT MAXIMUM] per incident.
10.2 Insurance coverage requires that the Lessee or Driver of the Vehicle is solely the persons listed in the Rental Agreement and that they are at least 26 years old (unless the Lessee or Driver is a Young Driber and has purchased Young Driber insurance), holds a valid driver's license, and has a [INSERT NATIONALITY] social security number. Additionally, any Driver of the Vehicle must have at least three years of claims-free driving, where the Driver has been fully or partially liable for the accidents, in the period leading up to the Rental Period.
10.3 Spouse/partner and dependent children under 26 years of age are included in the Lessee's insured group if they are listed on the rental contract with the correct information and have the same registered address. It is a requirement that the insured individuals have a valid [INSERT NATIONALITY] driver's license; temporary driver's licenses are not accepted.
10.4 Lessee's children under 26 years of age can be insured for an additional fee [INSERT AMOUNT]/month. The coverage requires that the co-insured individuals are over 21 years old, listed on the Rental Agreement with the correct information, can demonstrate three years of claims-free driving, and have a valid [INSERT NATIONALITY] driver's license (temporary driver's licenses are not accepted). There is no insurance coverage for Lessee's children who are under 21 years old and not residing at the Lessee's address.
10.5 Insurance coverage requires that the keys to the Vehicle are not left in the Vehicle when not in use.
10.6 Insurance coverage requires that belongings are not left visible in the car, including non-permanently installed electronic equipment.
10.7 The insurance company may claim recourse against the Lessee or Driver of the Vehicle for the full cost of damages if the Vehicle is driven by a person without a valid driver's license, if the Vehicle is driven by a person who is not listed as Lessee or Driver in the Rental Agreement, or if the damage is caused by negligence that can be considered gross recklessness, as defined in the Road Traffic Act § 108, paragraph 2.
10.8 The Lessee accepts the obligation to protect the Lessor's interests in the event of damage or other insurance events by:
10.8.1 Immediately reporting any damage that occurs during the Rental Period to the Lessor's insurance company.
10.8.2 Obtaining names, addresses, and insurance information of all involved parties and any witnesses, as well as registration numbers of all involved vehicles.
10.8.3 Refraining from acknowledging liability or guilt.
10.8.4 Refraining from leaving the vehicle without taking adequate security measures.
10.8.5 Promptly notifying the police if the fault of another party needs to be determined or if there is personal injury.
10.8.6 Filling out and submitting an insurance claim form at the request of the Lessor or the Lessor's insurance company.
10.9 Failure to comply with the above will result in the loss of insurance coverage.
10.10 The Lessee is obliged to immediately repair any damage that occurs during the Rental Period before returning the Vehicle.
11. Violation
11.1 Lessor may terminate the Rental Agreement, repossess the Vehicle, and claim full compensation for its loss, including, but not limited to, rental fees for the remaining part of the Rental Period if Lessee materially breaches its obligations under the Rental Agreement or these Rental Terms. In such case, Lessee is not entitled to a replacement vehicle or financial compensation.
11.2 The following circumstances will be considered as material breach. The list is not exhaustive. It will be considered as material breach if Lessee:
11.2.1 Fails to pay due amounts or other outstanding amounts.
11.2.2 Misuses or abuses the Vehicle, including but not limited to reckless driving under traffic and penal laws or fails to obtain necessary public permits.
11.2.3 Fails to return the Vehicle to Lessor at the agreed Return Time when the Rental Agreement has been finally terminated (and not automatically extended if this is an option according to the Rental Agreement).
11.2.4 Neglects to maintain the Vehicle as regulated in section 7.
11.2.5 Refuses Lessor or its cooperation partner access to inspect the Vehicle after reasonable notice of 7 days.
11.2.6 Subleases or allows others not approved in the Rental Agreement to use the Vehicle either wholly or partially.
11.3 If the police or any other public authority deems that the Vehicle has been used for illegal or inappropriate purposes during the Rental Period, they may seize the Vehicle without any entitlement for Lessee to a replacement vehicle or financial compensation.
11.4 The power supply to the Vehicle's undercarriage may be disconnected if Lessee breaches the Rental Agreement and fails to return the Vehicle to Lessor. For safety reasons, Lessee will be notified via email about when the power supply to the Vehicle's undercarriage will be disconnected. The power supply will be disconnected at the specified time or as close to it as possible.
11.5 In connection with the repossession of the Vehicle, Lessee will be invoiced for the retrieval in accordance with Lessor's current Price List.
12. Drop-off
12.1 The Vehicle shall be returned to the Lessor in the same condition as it was at the time of pick-up. Additionally, the Vehicle must be cleaned, vacuumed, washed, and emptied of personal belongings according to Lessor's instructions for the Drop-off procedure in Lessor's application. The Vehicle must include all keys and any key cards, radio codes, service books, and instruction manuals that were provided at the time of Pick-up.
12.2 The Vehicle must be returned with a full tank of fuel; otherwise, a fee will be charged. The fee is specified in Lessor's Price List, which was provided along with the Rental Agreement and the General Rental Terms.
12.3 When the Vehicle is returned, Lessee will receive a return receipt via Lessor's mobile application. Lessee must follow the Drop-off procedure specified in Lessor's mobile application.
12.4 Lessor will then inspect the Vehicle and prepare a damage report if the condition of the Vehicle exceeds normal wear and tear. This includes, but is not limited to: stone chips or cracks in the glass, scratches in the paint (that cannot be polished away), scratches/holes/dents in the interior, damages, aftermarket equipment installations, windows, and tires, as well as cases where the cabin is affected by smoke or other odors.
12.5 Lessor offers the option for Lessee to request an inspection upon return within a specified time frame. The inspection will identify damages, defects, and flaws, but without pricing these. It is a condition for the inspection to take place that it is pre-booked and that the car is washed and cleaned. Failure to comply will result in the inspection not being conducted, and the user will be liable for damages, defects, and flaws, on the same terms as when the inspection is waived. The inspection will not provide prices for repairing damages and defects.
12.6 Costs for repairs of issues not considered normal wear and tear will be determined and charged to Lessee.
12.7 If the inspection of the Vehicle reveals damages covered by the Vehicle's comprehensive insurance, Lessee is responsible for the deductible specified in the Rental Agreement and must complete an insurance claim and assist Lessor with its insurance company. Lessee is responsible for the payment of repairs for damages not covered by the comprehensive insurance as per the Price list. Some damages fall under a de minimis limit for which Lessee is not liable. A description of acceptable and unacceptable damages can be found in Lessor's "Fair wear and tear guidelines." [INSERT LINK TO GUIDELINES]
12.8 The allowed mileage for the Rental Period is stated in the Rental Agreement. Lessee must pay for any excess mileage upon returning the Vehicle at the rate specified in the Rental Agreement. Unused kilometers will not be refunded.
12.9 If the Vehicle is not returned by the agreed Return Time, Lessee is liable for damages and losses not covered by insurance that may occur during the period until the Vehicle is returned to the designated Return Location by Lessor and until the Vehicle undergoes an inspection.
12.10 If the Vehicle is not returned by the agreed Return Time, regardless of the reason, Lessee is liable for damages and losses not covered by insurance that may occur during the period until the Vehicle is returned to the designated Return Location by Lessor. Lessee will also be liable for payment of rent for the Vehicle until it is returned and obligated to pay a fee for late return in accordance with the current Price List.
12.11 Failure to return the vehicle at the agreed-upon time, including considering automatic renewal of the Rental Agreement, or failure to pay falls under the provisions of the Penal Code on unauthorized use, current § 293.
13. Changes to Terms of Use
13.1 Dribe A/S reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of Use, including prices and fees.
13.2 In the event of significant changes to the Terms of Use, you will be notified when logging in to the Dribe application, and you will be asked to review and accept the amended Terms of Use.
13.3 Significant changes to the Terms of Use shall be notified to you with a notice of at least 30 days prior to the expiration of a rental period, and during the notice period, you can terminate your user account with a notice of 7 days, regardless of the binding period.
13.4 Significant changes will be notified through the Dribe Application and through individual communication, e.g., email and SMS.
13.5 Any change to the Terms of Use must be made in writing to be valid.
13.6 Dribe A/S has the option to change prices, fees, and other terms in specific situations. It is unfortunately not possible to create a comprehensive list, but here are some examples of situations where we have the ability to change prices:
13.6.1 External Costs
Dribe A/S' pricing depends on the prices and costs we have for the purchase of the vehicles that you can rent through Dribe. A higher purchase price may result in potential price increases for you when renting a vehicle. It may also include costs from other external parties in connection with Dribe's provision of services to our customers, such as providing payment solutions, increases in interest costs, or increases from other distributors.
13.6.2 Inflation
If prices in society generally rise, it affects our costs, and we may therefore need to adjust our prices in line with inflation. We have chosen to set prices in society as of January 1, 2017, at index 100 and can adjust our prices based on the general price development in society.
If the price changes, we will adjust it based on one or more of the common price indices compiled by recognized external institutions.
This means that if inflation has been, for example, 5% in the years 2017-2019, we can change the price by 5% in 2019 relative to 2017.
13.6.3 Changed Legislation, Regulation, or Practice
The taxation area for cars is regulated by legislation and other rules that are frequently changed. Such changes or, for example, a new judicial or administrative practice may require us to make changes to terms and prices.
13.6.4 Product Changes
A change to one of Dribe's products may, for example, be due to the fundamental assumptions of the product being altered. This could be due to changed legislation, altered customer requirements, or competitive conditions. It could also be because the demand no longer supports offering a product in its current form.
13.6.5 Incentive for More Efficient Customer Behavior
The administration of user agreements, rental agreements, or related special services may impose unforeseen internal or external costs that can be directly attributed to delivery in accordance with a customer's user account or rental agreement. In this regard, it may be necessary to make changes to prices and terms that create an incentive for Dribe's customers to choose more efficient economic solutions. 14.Use of Personal Data
14.1 When you rent a Vehicle, Dribe A/S will register, and process personal data related to your user profile and Rental Agreement. You can learn more about our processing of your personal data in our privacy policy, which you can find here.
15. Disputs
15.1 Any dispute between the Lessee and the Lessor that cannot be resolved amicably shall be decided according to Danish law by the ordinary Danish courts, subject to the mandatory rules on consumer protection applicable in the country where the Lessee is domiciled.
16. Complaints
16.1 You can file a complaint regarding Dribe's services or matters related to your user by submitting a written request to [INSERT EMAIL]
16.2 Furthermore, you can contact Nævnenes Hus, Center for Klageløsning, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg, email: or use the European Commission's online complaint portal to submit a complaint.